Need help rain sensor tripped

I installed my rachio Gen 2 on April 13th. It has not watered on its own yet since being installed. Looking back thru the history, it had a rain sensor active on April 13th and a wind skip on April 19th. I have been able to run it manually a couple times through the app. It was supposed to water on Tuesday the first according to my schedule but it did not. And this time it didnt give a reason as to why it did not water. Im not sure whats is going on.


I had the engineering team review your account and it looks similar to this post, your rain sensor looks to be currently tripped.

so you think it never reset it self from April 13th? How do I fix this?

What brand and model of Rain Sensor did you install? I took down my rain sensor. With Rachio’s rainfall, freeze and wind skip I do not see the need for sensors. I let Rachio do the work. The need for a sensor can vary according to where you live.

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I’m not sure, it was there when we bought the house April 2017. Maybe it says it on it. We live in Northeast Houston and the weather station that my Rachio talks to is 13 Miles from my house

Well my unit is working just fine now. Turns out I had the second wire on s2 instead of sc. I trouble shot by unhooking it all together and it watered on the scheduled day. Then the next day I hooked one wire to s1 and the other to sc and it watered as per schedule. The only other test it needs to pass is sensing water and skipping

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