Manual run after a rain skip

Hi @anidutta-

Thank you for the pictures! So I noticed in the post below you talked about how the rain sensor only had one wire…

And @DLane mentioned the possibility that your rain sensor was spliced into your common wire. When a rain sensor is installed this way, it actually completely “cuts” your common. The common wire is what supplies power to your zones, so when it is cut by the sensor, your controller cannot physically activate your zones. This is a huge downside to installing sensors in this manner. If your rain sensor was installed normally and did not interfere with your common, you would be able to run zones manually when it was activated.

Unfortunately, the best next step I could recommend would be to contact an irrigation professional to fix the set up of your common and rain sensor. If that’s something you would be interested in, please let me know and I can recommend someone!

Would be curious to hear if others have some DIY ideas on solutions here…

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