One thing missing from both the residential and pro side of Rachio is a video that shows step-by-step instructions for homeowners, contractors and distributors.
@robertokc We are actually trying to start adding videos for support documents. What topics do you think would be most important to start with?
Basic out of the box setup.
- Taking down old controller
- Putting up Rachio
- Wiring Rachio
- Download app
- Initialization process, getting wifi connnection.
Programming the controller
- Define flex schedule and fixed schedule
- Start time, watering restrictions
- Basic programming
- Understanding landscape parameters
Installing a rain sensor and or soil sensor.
Setting up controller with no wifi (good for contractors. Do this in Spanish and English)
I will send more ideas.
Love all of these. We do currently have some of these on the support site. Were you aware of that? I feel like a lot of people don’t know these are available. Trying to think of a way to make them more visible.
What do you mean by landscape parameters?
The setting up with no wifi in spanish is huge. I love that.
Thanks for the reply. I have watched some of the videos. Not a video, but one thing would be to create a manual instruction list in English and Spanish.