A better performing Variable Arc and Radius nozzle is Toro’s PRN
Even going with Toro PCN with set Arc settings are far superior performers to a RB HE Vari Arc
. … and please don’t use their 15’ half as there are two large gaps @ 13’ left and right @ 45 degrees on each side. We found this out as we are Beta testing for the new sprinker requirements just passed in California for 2020 August 14, 2019
“Resolution 19-0814-7 that mandates that all spray sprinklers must include a pressure-regulating device effective Oct. 1, 2020.”
I install all sprinkler heads with IFR technology you can PM and I can provide you the information. Best thing ever! Better than a Pressure Regulating manufactured Head then along with the Rachio controller
just stellar!
I can dial them down to 7" radius with IFR!
I have not tried the MP800, their PR is double and better than the original MP1000. I guess I should throw them on a stand since I have a couple kicking around in my box.
I do use the larger MP2000 and 3000 where Hydraulics in the system won’t allow the PRN gears to be driven with lack of flow.
Glad someone touched base on the turf requirements, and characteristics @XCrosswordsX Which is correct in regards to heat and the UV in So Cal.
The Crop Coefficent is 5% higher and its realistic that you need to cool down the first 4" of soil for the turf not to suffer.
You mentioned the fact that you seeded and another problem you may have encountered is that it was cut way too short to soon for the grass to mature enough . It happened to me with the gardeners, as my re-seeding on a clients property was in sporadic places and I didn’t not tape off or isolate the areas. Thus before the nodules to split to grass to mature and photosynthesis process to occur, they killed it.
Also, there is a seeding schedule, I found I believe it is in “Fixed” schedules to use…that should be helpful, I did not know that.
Your in So Cal I can direct you to sites we have retrofitted with IFR and parts to retrofit are available locally, and I am happy to demo for you.