Lawn Nerd?

I think Rachio is helping turn me into a lawn nerd. Maybe I need to seek counseling. Does Rachio offer that service?

Previously, I have mostly had rectangular shaped lawns and not a lawn I have put in. This has led me to mowing in one of the following patterns: box, square (yes, different than box), back-and-forth, etc. Now, we almost have no straight edge (for good or bad) to our lawn that I put in. This has led me to a new pattern: diamond. I fertilize in a square pattern. Due to the rather sandy soil and recommendations, I change my direction each time I mow / fertilize. Sometimes, I have to think about which direction I went last. Consequently and for the fun it of, I created the following device that I hang on the garage wall by the back door so that I do not have to think about it at all. When I am done, I flip it over.

Not only that, I get to play around with the API, IFTTT, Google Assistant, tied a water feature into Rachio, etc. Is counselling recommended?

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