I installed my system on June 16th and use a Flex Daily schedule for 4 Zones. Rachio has watered the lawn exactly 1 time since then because it’s either rained or forecasted rain. Since the system skipped watering roughly 13 times in June, can someone help me understand the June Watering Review?
Appears that the one time the Rachio controller watered, it was four hours of total watering with no reasons to avoid watering (e.g., rain skip, wind skip etc) beyond estimated soil moisture.“Skips” aren’t often counted for Flex schedules since that can’t be determined when the system is using estimated soil moisture. It’s watering on an as-needed basis. However if you had a fixed schedule, “skips” can be determined since if the controller doesn’t water on the usual programmed Monday because of excessive wind, then it knows unequivocally that is a skip day.
With Flex, if on a day soil moisture is zero and it is too windy, then that would likely be considered a skip day and watering would occur the next day assuming it isn’t too windy.
I see. So there’s no preset schedule and then the schedule is skipped when/if it forecasts rain. It waters as needed. Thx
With Flex daily, no. It is a completely fluid scheduling system, so it doesn’t “skip” watering in the traditional sense, just adjusts as needed…