Integrate Rachio with ""

Is there any plan to integrate Rachio controller with " ".
Personal experience with " " reporting by Zip Code is very accurate ( 95% plus accuracy )


@Kmcgee54 For this watering season there are no plans to augment our weather providers, but all bets are on for next year. We are re-architecting our entire cloud infrastructure and will be looking at other weather providers to expand our footprint of weather station options.


Dark Sky is awesome.

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Hi Franz, appreciate if you could provide an update on Rachio’s integration with other Weather services. Thanks, Kevin

We are still working on v3 which will allow for an expanded weather footprint. No dates at this time when it will be available. If you do have a weather station in mind, one of our community members has created a bridge to WU. This might help you until we have a native integration.


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AccuWeather and Dark Sky are both services primarily intended to predict the future weather, rather then keeping an accurate historic data.

Because of this I don’t anticipate that either of these services will become a viable alternative to Weather Underground or PWS weather, both of which offer a detailed access to a local weather data on minute by minute basis.

It would be interesting to see if anyone wants to do a comparison between Rachio forecasts and accuweather and/or dark sky, but by the end of the day errors in forecast do not effect the system as much as having an accurate record of measurements from a nearby weather station.