Integrate my soil moisture probe data

I have a Davis PWS and Soil Station with four temp and four moisture sensor probes buried in my yard. I send the data to places like PWSWeather, WUnderground and my personal site.

Last year the E/T calculations worked okay, but integrating the actual soil moisture level would be fantastic. I see there is already a Toro soil moisture option, but since many people have Davis stations and this data is already available online, would it be hard to have that data integrated for more accurate waterings? Would it take PWSWeather adding a soil moisture data point to their site like WU already has to make it work?


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@dfw - This is not related which your question but I’m wondering which Davis PWS are you using. I want to upload soil data too and I’m researching for a good PWS have all these functions. I currently have a good one but there is no option for soil / sun sensors. Thanks.

No sweat, I have a Davis Vantage Pro II Plus with the Davis Soil station. Any Vantage “Pro” system will run the soil station. The soil station then has inputs for up to four soil temp probes, four soil moisture probes, and a leaf wetness probe. It’s slick - and here is a better description of my setup..

Great, you have the 6163 this is the model that I was watching :slight_smile: very nice station. Thanks for share.

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