Out front we have like 2 remote zones for the herb garden getting the best sun.
I don’t really need a full Rachio there. I have idle zones on my Rachio.
Can you offer a wireless relay in the $50~60 range?
My ask would be say 4~8 zones which can power a solenoid and for extra credit be solar powered to run from a water butt.
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Thanks for the tip but I bought a bunch of equipment from another startup company and they’ve gone under and taken the server offline so the app won’t log in, and the hardware is basically a brick. I’m sticking with big brands where possible.
Yeah I could build a DIY relay module with arduinos and 24V transformer or even just go directly to OpenSprinkler but I don’t want some ugly rats nest of wires there. I want a nicely made case and a single power supply. That option does set the upper boundary of my budget though.
I have a similar query.
I have two areas in my garden which are too far away from the Rachio. I have water and power. But the water pipe is far away from the Rachio and I do not like the idea of digging through the garden and under a road to bring a water pipe from the Rachio to the remote areas…
Would anyone know of a product or a way to build a Rachio controlled remote valve in a nice waterproof enclosure?
Beyond joylove’s comment on WiseOrchard (+1), it brings a lot of what Rachio brings and I’d rather keep it simple with one controller if at all possible.