Hunter Pro-C to Rachio 3 wiring question

Haven’t done wiring before, but trying to convert my Hunter Pro-C to a rachio 3 system. any help on the wiring would be appreciated.

I looked at manual at OM_ProC_EM.pdf (

  • 1-12 goes to same on Rachio
  • COM goes to C on Rachio
  • No P/MV (pump/master valve), which would go to Rachio if you had one
  • AC1, AC2, Gnd. Use Rachio’s supplied power supply, not any of this
  • No REM (Remote), this would not go to Rachio if you had one. Rachio’s “remote” is the phone app.
  • SEN & SEN: Many rather use the Weather Intelligence in Rachio instead of a sensor. You can always connect it later if need to. Here is a link for how to do that: Rachio compatibility with Hunter Rain-Clik Wireless Rain Sensor

Just posted video on doing this step by step. Installing an irrigation controller - YouTube