How to setup zones for waterwise microclover & buffalograss lawns?

We’re in the process of removing our Kentucky bluegrass turf for waterwise alternatives, specifically to microclover (Trifolium repens ‘Pipolina’ Microclover - grow a green turf all year round) and Legacy buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides Legacy Legacy Buffalo Grass). We live near Boulder Colorado in hardiness zone 5b with clay soil type. Because this is a lawn, we’re irrigating it with water-efficient Hunter MP rotator spray heads rather than drip.

My question is how should we setup these zones so they get the right amount of water? The “Vegetation type” setting doesn’t include an option for waterwise turf/lawns, and I’m concerned that selecting “Cool season grass” (Kentucky bluegrass etc) or “Warm season grass” (Bermuda etc) would dramatically over-water. There’s also a “Desert adapted” option, but that doesn’t seem right either.

Does anyone have advice on how to properly setup the Rachio to handle Flex Daily irrigation for this type of lawn?

Micro clover is considered cool season grass, while buffalo is considered warm. Are you doing a mix of the two?

That might take a bit of trial and error, but in the warmer months, setting to a warm season grass will end up putting down less water, as the warm season grasses have a lower crop coefficient than a cool season would. I’d start there and it might take some fine tuning of the crop coefficient setting to dial it in a bit.