How to add a motion sensor


You can check to see if the motion detector and the Rachio are connected in the app. Each zone of the rachio should show up as a device. You can test running each zone from the smartthings app. The motion sensor icon in the app should shake when it detects motion so you can tell it is working. If they are both working individually they should work from a routine . Below is a screenshot of my routine. I am using a virtual switch (labeled Deer Security) as a test so that I can easily turn the system on and off without having to create a separate routine for each motion detector. It will still work without the virtual switch if you just leave it out of the routing. So your routine might look like this (without the precondition )

I was finally able to get it. I had to add a driver to the smart things app and hub to get it to sync to the sensor. Works great now, just waiting to see if this stops the deer. any reason why you did a virtual switch vs just setting a time between 4:30 am and 6:30 am. I have my irrigation system running at 6:30 am almost every morning and in the fall will adjust to later when I stop using the system until I winterize it.