Does anyone know if there is a max number of Smart Hose Timer Valves that you can use with the WiFi Hub?
I did not know if I would need more than one hub or if one hub would be able to do as many as I need for my raised garden beds.
Only reason I ask is like my Netamo weather system you can only have like 2 additional sensor modules per hub. So was wondering if there was a limit here, eventually will need 16 one of each raised garden bed.
Yeah I was looking at some others and they are limited so you need like a hub for every 4 or something like that. Pretty annoying, so figured I would ask around here and see what people knew.
I have individual water spigot at each bed tied to a drip line. Original thought was I would just go out there and manually turn on and off the water spigot for each bed depending on what was planted in it based on when it needed to be watered. Then saw these when I was looking to see if there was an option to control them somehow.
Also I dont have electricity out by the garden which is about 150’+ from the house. So only battery power options for irrigation valve boxes is what I would have since dont have 120V outlet nearby to run the standard Rachio 16 zone since it needs electricity. Otherwise I would have installed a traditional controller box.
I only suggested that, because while Rachio would hate me trying to talk you out of sales of this new product, you are ultimately talking about needing/wanting 16 of these. The initial kit with wifi hub is $99, and additional hose units will be somewhat less than that, but you’d still be looking at a sizable investment.
Great, last I heard is they are still testing some things and maybe will be updating the firmware, so your results could vary from what you were told. I would guess it might be pretty close (or maybe they finished their tests and I have not heard back).
If I understood correctly, it sounded to me like demand has been higher than expected and they might be out. I probably would keep checking once or twice a week.