How many flow meters do I need? Can you have more than one or not?

How many flow meters do I need?

You will need one flow meter for every backflow preventer in your system. If you have more than one controller and only one backflow preventer, your system will not be compatible, as Rachio only supports one flow meter per Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller.

So I can only have one flow meter?

The front and back yard have their own water source. So I would need two.

@Tanquen We support two flow meters on one Rachio 3 controller.

Does that answer your question?

Thanks and have a great week.


Thanks, that is good to know. I have the one flow meter but had not installed it yet and just today realized that the front and back yard have their own water source but use just the one Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller.

If not listed elsewhere they should add to or tweak the FAQ. This makes it sound like you can only have one.

“as Rachio only supports one flow meter per Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller.”

@Tanquen Thanks, having our team update the documentation to correctly reflect that we support more than one flow meter for the R3 controller.
