How do I forget a past run from history?

I have a Rachio 3 controller set up on Daily Flex schedule.

A work crew had the water shut off for the past two mornings so Rachio thinks it watered our various zones for a couple hours when it actually didn’t.

Is there a way to erase those runs from its memory so Rachio can recalculate the soil moisture and set the next run accordingly?

Not that I have seen. However, you can empty (clear) the moisture level and that will tell it to start as if it were empty which might be overkill for this one time.


Yeah I’d empty the water as the other person suggested. Or just do a manual water for how long it should have run today for those zones missed and then it’ll figure it out again from there.

I did empty the moisture level, thanks for the suggestions.

This isn’t the first time the issue has come up, though. There are a few reasons why it could happen and I’m really disappointed that after all this time, Rachio hasn’t added an “undo” or “forget last run” option.

Being able to undo something is about as basic as it gets in computing, I can’t understand how it is still omitted from Rachio’s software…

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