Hose Timer - battery life

Hello - is anyone having issues with battery life on the hose timer? I replaced the batteries March 25, 2024 and just noticed that the battery icon was “red” and the bar was pretty much non-existent. I replaced it with a fresh set of batteries and now it is all black showing a “full” icon. Any idea what would cause the battery to run down so quickly? I only have one schedule that operates daily for 5 minutes.

Thanks for your help.

I bought my hose timer right when it was released. I run it every other day, plus random quick runs, and I had to replace the batteries about a month ago. I assume that it is still tweaking its connection and has had a couple firmware updates, so I’m not concerned.

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Also, I think the battery “bar” isn’t really a scale of battery life based on how the API shows battery state. I think it’s either good or low, no middle ground.

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Yeah - I did too. Ran it regularly and the first time I replaced batteries was in March 2024. That is the reason I was concerned about the short life span this time around.

Oh wow! So I guess there is no way to know unless it dies I guess!

this season, I am going through a set of batteries every week, the timer is used only three days a week. the other timer is functioning normally, i.e., lasting a season or more. What’s going on? Thanks