Force stop? Zone not Switching. New User Help

I recently purchased rachio 3 with 12 zones and the install went well. The first few days were perfect and then we had a rain storm come thru and it did as it was programmed. It skipped two days (four cycles) I believe. Then once it started, I noticed different zones were wet but our Center Backyard zone never stopped. I’m not sure for how long since it isn’t documented but once I noticed it - it was over 30 minutes. I tried to force stop but could not find such button. I researched and read through all the community comments and what they were stated - I could not find in my app. I had to shut off my water to outside, but that was also after I pushed the stop button on the base and then unplugged it. And, the water continued to run. This morning, thinking it had all passed - it had not. I turned the water valve back on from inside the house the same zone was running - endlessly. I never even plugged the system back on. I reset the wifi and tried again - still not working. The water continues to run in one zone.