Flex running for 12 Hours Watering Time?!?!

@jperman As people noted earlier, the frequency and duration of watering is determined by the settings in each zone. You can look at the detailed information in the soil moisture to see why it is watering when it is. Go to zones - > soil moisture - > more detail. You can scroll through a couple of days in the past to about 2 weeks into the future. The link below gives more details.

Yes, it should be, but the above reads that you defeated this feature with your settings. Check your soil and grass settings. Watering every day is considered my most to be bad practice. Flex Daily should water enough to saturate the soil, then wait 2-3 days or more for it to dry out (approaching the Depletion %) to water again. Make sure your Depletion is set about 50%, and that your root depth is appropriate. Above you mentioned using 4" root depth instead of the recommended 6". This depth is not so much what your root depth IS, but rather what it SHOULD be or you want it to be. 6" Depth will increase water applied at one time by 50% over 4" root depth, and increasing days between watering by 50%, forcing roots to grow deeper. Of course, that increases watering time as well, which is why you reduced it. It’s a Catch-22.