Flex Daily to "Flex Weekly"?

Hey Rachio,

The area I live in is experiencing really bad drought and we had to move from daily, to odd days, and now to weekly. I was curious if there is any way to tell Rachio to only water on a specific day, once a week, until the restriction is removed? Is my best bet to use a fixed schedule and disable the Flex Daily schedule or is there a way to do something like a “flex weekly”?

Thank you!

If you are currently using Flex Daily, it is highly discouraged to use this schedule type with heavy watering restrictions. It would be advised to use a fixed schedule on the day of the week that you are allowed to water, and make sure you have the weather intelligence skips on. Sucks because with a properly set up Flex Daily Schedule, you are watering WAY more efficiently than any of your neighbors, guaranteed.

Yeah it’s pretty wild. The fixed schedule wants me to water for just shy of 8 hours on the one day. Not sure how this “saves” any water as compared to the daily schedule.

Yea, you’d have the run the numbers and see if that is really a savings. Amazingly, we don’t have watering restrictions in Arizona, and there are times that I suspect that the restrictions have more to do with a municipalities water production per day versus the demand. By spacing out the demand, it allows them to skate by with water systems that are undersized or under production for the population.

exactly, it’s like sprinkler zones only at the municipal level.