I noticed this morning that some zones were scheduled to run and some zones even though moisture level was around 20-30%, allowed depletion set 45-50%, were not going to run.
I stopped the schedule watering after seeing it was skipping several of the zones and when I manually restarted the schedule it added the depleted zones back into the schedule.
Example of what I was seeing before restarting schedule. With no forecasted rain, why would system skip a zone that is below the allowed depletion? South Side zone was at 28% prior to schedule starting and flex daily did not schedule the zone for any water today and estimates the zone would have hit 0% before next watering.
Also noticed now that the schedule shows a watering time for a zone, when I go to that zone specifically it still thinks it is being skipped today, maybe just a refresh issue. Current schedule being run, just started, and for example this zone shows next watering is 9/29 instead of a time today like other zones.