Does anyone know if version 3 of the hardware (or software) will support two zones running simultaneously for use in a fertigation setup (I have an EZ Flow and would love to be able to schedule fertigation on a zone by zone basis at different times.
I currently use a separate controller for this type of application since I don’t care to fertilized all of my zones with the same fertilizer.
I just wire the fertilizer into the master valve terminal to initiate the fertilizer process.
great to see that more users have this idea, i suggested such upgrade too… i’m sure this will become standard feature of many controllers in the future.
How do you like your EZ Flow? I am looking to a system for fertilizer
and bug? I have not seen a pre-emergent chemical - is that available too?
The Rachio flow valve - greatly helps in knowing the gallons of water each zone is using.
This is a feature I would like to see. I want to have a zones that can be activated based on its own schedule to feed into the active zones that use it. I am looking for fertilizer and mosquito spraying so 2 zones set up to feed into the watering zones based on a schedule.
agree! it is the add-on value of having a controller + flow meter