Feature request: integrate with Flume API


I have a Flume meter installed on the irrigation supply. Flume alerts me on leaks but it cannot alert me on undersupply issues during irrigation. As far as I can tell it works very well.

However, Flume has an API. It should be straightforward for Rachio to consume this data to use as a flow meter…then Rachio can alert me on undersupply/oversupply issues, assuming both devices are online, which is an acceptable requirement for me.

In the past I have had multiple issues where landscapers shut off the supply but did not disable the controller, smart valves shut off accidentally, etc., and this would prevent this as well as provide flow data for smarter irrigation.

In theory I could integrate both Rachio and Flume in a separate automation platform via their APIs, but this doesn’t seem to be well-supported (or really supported at all, in Smartthings at least), and reliability is paramount, so community support is insufficient. However, it would be an effective replacement for the Wireless Flow Meter functionality if Rachio integrated it directly.



I took advantage of the recent Rachio25 offer and bought the Flume flow meter. I fully expected to find a settings option to let one or the other apps know about each other. No such option.

A bit annoying when I ran a watering schedule in Rachio and then Flume alerted me of a possible leak because of the unusual water volume used.

They should work together better.

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Totally agree. They should integrate both ways. My Rachio usage data should be read directly from my Flume, not guesstimated by all the settings in the Rachio Zone and Schedule. Then I’d have some real info about how I’m doing managing irrigation water.

And the Flume should know when it is flowing because of the Rachio, and that should appear as outdoor water usage in their graphs - which appear to be total guesses right now, probably based on time of day.

In places like CA where water is short, managing irrigation is critical and having Rachio and Flume talk to each other would be a huge win for those of us managing our water.

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I agree - it would make perfect sense given the interoperability and APIs of both tools to enable customers to integrate the data.

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Can we have an update on Rachio/Flume integration please?

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It’s been two years, and at this point it’s obvious that the Rachio company is not going to do this. Especially now that Flume has put their API behind a paywall (although you can still ask for free access).

Both Rachio and Flume are well-supported by Home Assistant, so it should be possible to automate them through that. I have them both installed but have not tried to write any automation rules that connect them yet.

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Don’t know if this is a recent change, but I just got a Flume and I tested out their personal API.

I can query the Flume API, and get usage by minute, hour, etc. Even custom interval buckets (5 min buckets, 10 min, etc).

I really want to see Rachio to integrate to fetch actual flow-rate per-zone and tell me in the Rachio app. Flume can only categorize usage as “outside”, but Rachio could use this data to do zone-level breakdown.