I’m considering replacing existing Hardie HR-6100 with Rachio 3.
Is it possible to check if my existing controller is compatible?
If so, which wire goes to where in Rachio 3 configuration?
Should be fine…hard to tell from the angle of your picture, but looks like you have 5 zones? Those would attach to corresponding zones in Rachio. I can’t quite tell where the white and brown wires are ending, but the white should be your common, which will attached to “C” terminal on Rachio. They COULD have used a brown wire for a second common, or that could be going to the neighboring “M” terminal, which would be for a master valve, which would attach to the M terminal of Rachio. The last 2 wires would not be used, as that is what is supplying power to the HR-6100 and Rachio will use the supplied barrel connector.
Thanks! Both white and brown are used for COM. There was no wire on ‘M’.
In this case, do I still need to attach brown one to ‘C’ along with white (which means ‘M’ will be empty in Rachino)?
Possibly/probably. If you have multiple valve boxes in your yard, the white and brown might run to different locations.
If you have nothing attached to the M on your current controller, then you wouldn’t have anything on the Rachio either.