Every other day schedule

I’ve setup a flex schedule and want to change the frequency to every other day. I read in another thread that I need to set a daily schedule to an interval of two, but I don’t seem to have that option in my schedule (see screenshots). I must be looking in the wrong menu or something, but any advice would be greatly appreciated to get this watering every other day.


If you want to water every two days you need to use a Fixed schedule. When you set up a fixed schedule you have the option of specifying how often you want it to run - every day, every 2 days, every 3 days, etc.

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Many thanks. If I do a fixed schedule will I then lose the smart benefits of the Rachio ie adjusting the watering duration based on weather?

When you say “will I then lose the smart benefits of the Rachio ie adjusting the watering duration based on weather?” I assume you are referring to a Flex Daily schedule. For a Fixed schedule, Rachio will suggest a duration. But once you have set the Fixed schedule Rachio will not adjust it. But you can’t have it both ways - that is, you can’t say you want a schedule to run every 2 days without fail but you also want Rachio to make adjustments based on the weather.