Enable Master Valve for a specific schedule

I want to inject mosquito chemicals into the backyard zones only.
Others have already requested a software change to be able to enable the master valve/pump for a specific schedule. The 1st user that requested this improvement was in 2014.


Thanks @rayics. If I’m understanding your use case, you’d like to enable the mosquito injector on numerous zones, but only run on a limited basis? Out of curiosity, how often would you run the mosquito schedule?

I would define a specific schedule to use the master valve.
Others have requested that they turn the master valve on for specific zones… water front yard with city water and backyard from a well.

I would like to add that allowing the master valve/ pump to be fully programmable via schedule and/or zone is something extremely useful and even a necessity in today’s world of over priced water and water conservation, I personally only need the pumps added pressure for about half of my zones and the others work great without it. I read that this feature is on the way, that was about a year ago, what happened to it?

Any news on when this software improvement will be available?