Edit Yard Map

Got my system started up again and made some modifications including removing a sprinkler head. I want to edit my yard map so that I can remove the sprinkler and re-draw the zone. But I’m stuck. I can’t seem to click on my ipad and do either. Nor do I see the ability to do it on the web. Thoughts? Suggestions? Can anyone get my unstuck?

As far as I know, you can only CLEAR a zone, and draw a new area and heads. BTW, the head locations are for your reference only, and are not used within the program.

Re: heads
Good to know

How the heck do you clear the zone outline?

Never mind. The clear button just appeared for me.

I wish it were easier . . . like import a KML through the web interface.

I agree it needs to be easier. There is a suggestion submitted here: