Dynamic Crop Coefficient

Why does this chart show 1.04 in April for cool season grasses, when peak summer is only .94?

***ohh this is just for California…

This is in the dynamic crop FAQ


That is when the grass is growing the fastest, growing the most, and going to seed, thus needing more water. All of this requires more water relative to other times when the grass is growing slower.

Is the dynamic crop coefficient intended for very high quality turf or just average home lawns? I’m interested in whether I can dial it back a bit if I’m okay with an average-looking lawn? (I understand that any dialing back would be manual, I’m not discussing an automatic offset here.)


@Gerardv514 I’ve always wondered the same thing for the warm season column.

@ECOBEARD If that’s the case then you would expect the crop coefficient to be higher for the warm season grasses during the summer when the grass is growing the fastest, however, the (2) highest crop coefficients on that chart are in March and May with April being lower than both and then July/August being lower than all three of those months. Wondering if it has to do with the root development being higher for those periods even though there’s not much top growth but I can’t find anything to support that.

My dynamic crop coefficient for my St. Augustine grass in Houston this month is 85%. Seems kind of high but I increased my allowed depletion to 85% to see if I can find a good middle point.

My crop coefficient just increased to 98% this month. Seems like a lot! Trying to offset by bumping up allowed depletion to 85%. Might just go back to non dynamic.

A bug with applying the correct figure for Dynamic Crop Coefficient has been identified and fixed. If you have set it, it may be worth re-setting it back to manual again and then back to Dynamic


My Warm Season grass Kc value for May is 74%, not 79% like the above chart shows. Last month it was 80%, not 72%.

I had the problem and I worked with Drew and the engineers found the bug in their code and resolved it

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The chart is based on California. Could it be location specific?

Mine is in Spain. It was giving the Default value in April of 65% whereas my area should have given 54%.

How can we find out what the Kc values are for each month? I’m afraid the only way I can use it is to change it manually, because IMHO the More/Less water feature is worthless, as you have no indication of where you stand and what is done. So the only other way to determine how much water I get is with the Kc, which I can change manually.

If only the more/less water were done with a slider showing total +/- percent, as I and I think others suggested.

My preferred crop coefficient is 10-20% less than the dynamic Rachio crop coefficient based on my observation.

Which would make a +/- % modification Slider for each zone perfect for working with dynamic crop coefficient. This really needs to be done; the current more/less is pretty much worthless, as you don’t even know what has been set.


I’m using a flex daily schedule with dynamic crop, why are my zones showing a regional watering target as using more water than average demand for this region, plant type, and season? I’m not really sure what more I’d have to tweak, I thought I have everything dialed in pretty well.

Also it does appear to be watering every other day, which right now we’re still in the temps 70’s and at night 40’s. I agree I wouldn’t want every other day watering until the summer time.

@drew_thayer - my iOS app version is 4.5.1 and my app does not have those features as described on the above post my question is are they only available for certain Rachio’s 3 controllers

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@Anthony The Adaptive Watering features, which include the water use vs target graph and the “adjust” button, are part of a small beta testing release that a few thousand customers are participating in; they are not yet available to all customers while we’re working on refining the UI to make the features more useful.

No kidding? I didn’t realize I was still in the beta testing for this…you are talking the “optimized” graph?

@drew_thayer thanks so much for the reply I’ll look forward for the public release and try those new features

Drew, does that mean that the operation of this feature is still as described Last Year? Where a Little was 20% and a Lot was 60%? We were told that testing of that stopped in March, in favor of the new release, so I didn’t think I was running a test version of the software, especially since it included Dynamic Kc.