Hello all. Just wondering if anyone has experience upgrading from an old controller like my Richdel 412PR, and if so whether it worked. I have a well for irrigation, and my controller looks like these pics. Would Rachio work for my situation? Thanks in advance.
@Kppjm - welcome to the community!
Should be a straight forward conversion. I don’t see a pump start relay for the well. So move the zone wires 1-11 to Rachio 1 - 11 and then the common wire © to C on the Rachio and configure.
It looks like there are 11 zones that are running on two different schedules. Easy with Rachio. I didn’t have this unit, but I had a very old (1994?) Rainbird controller that I moved off of.
Thank you for the welcome and the information. The part about the pump relay wiring is what confused me when I was researching the Rachio support notes, because Rachio noted that I would damage the controller if connected without a relay. But then I could not find the wiring for a relay and was wondering if I needed one. Sounds like I don’t which makes things easier, so I’ll give it a go. Thanks again.
@Kppjm - I’m guessing the well pump has a small pressure tank and the pump is activated by a pressure switch when the water pressure in the pressure tank drops to a set level. So no need for Rachio to turn on the pump, which is what a pump start relay is for.