We’re looking for Rachio family, community-approved threads for an ongoing project! We would love for you to share your favorite threads regarding:
Best ways to improve lawn care
Tips for watering your lawn
Dying Grass
Best Sprinkler System Improvements
Decreasing Water Rates
Leaks/Reason to buy a Flow Meter
Thanks in advance!
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I enjoy this discussion and will refer to it when I redo my lawn sprinklers:
You’re probably right… I wasn’t thinking about the catch cup… just head to head coverage between 1-3 & 3-4.
Still, even just having one at #4, you went from 15ml to 20ml… that’s a 33% improvement. If you’re using standard 10 minute catch cup cycles then you’re realistically talking about adding another 20-40 ml in that area during normal watering by using an MP2000.
I’m going to go out on a limb and bet that a majority of the “favorite” threads are going to be from @azdavidr . Overachiever!
Haha, thanks @tmcgahey . I think I fall into the overachieving underachiever category. Or, wait, maybe the other one.
July 7, 2018, 2:41pm
@laura.bauman - Since Gen 2’s still depend on Aeris, I’d throw @Gene ’s WUYFI post out there:
I currently have a PWS (Personal Weather Station) running on my house (AcuRite 5in1 with internet bridge: http://bit.ly/1l2o813 ), which transmits data to the weather underground.
My Station is at: http://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KCABREA6
My PWS tracks rain fall which would be awesome to be able to delay my sprinklers based on the rainfall collected by my PWS.
This would be useful for people that doent have a PWS too, since they might find a nearby neighbor t…
Also, @mckynzee had a similar request - Rachio MVP: Most Valuable Posts - last year. I think most of those have already been picked up.
I’d also suggest something about what/how to post in the community for asking for assistance besides “it isn’t working. Grass dying. Please help.” Like pictures of wiring, actual settings, network information, etc.