Using Google, to issue voice commands to run individual zones. My Rachio 3 is defined to SmartThings and it’s devices are visible to Google. “Hey Google, water zone 1” results in the expected 3 minute run time of zone 1. “Hey Google, run zone 1” results in a 10 minute water time.
Why is this? Can anyone point me to documentation specifics?
I do not have an explanation for the time difference. Unfortunately for us Google users, Google has a much shorter list of commands than Alexa according to How do I connect my Google Home to Rachio?
Actually I’m glad you mentioned it, decided to load Alexa to my phone and it works well! Will do a few more tests but so far it beats any Google workaround. Also read some of the “manual” threads and realized I missed how to run schedules manually.
So, things are looking up. A few more tests and I’ll cut over my lawn circiuts and all will be good. Wife can then run any schedule manually from the Rachio app and I can do the same with an Alexa command