Best way to setup a zone for Home Foundation Watering Here in Aubrey Texas

Best way to setup a zone for Home Foundation Watering Here in Dallas Texas

I have to water zone 3 times a week at 30 mins

It is a dripline that goes around the whole house.

Should I set as a shrub or flowers?

Any advance settings I need to set.

Any help I do appreciate you all.

The concept of watering your foundation is so funny to me… :rofl:

This thread should be helpful.

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Thank you so much for this. I’m going to setup now. I was so confused lol. I really appreciate the help.

Obviously foundation watering isn’t what Rachio was designed for, so you can you that persons settings as a start, and you may just have to tweak it. I don’t know if there is a hard and fast rule on how moist you should keep it, but I would just monitor and see how it does!

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