Apple Home App says Rachio Update available

I got my new Rachio 3 16 zone added to my Apple Home app, but the Home app says an update is available and it can be done in the Rachio App.

I updated firmware when I installed the controller. App now says iro3-firmware-hk-645. Rachio App no longer says “Update Now”. But Apple Home insists an update is available. How can I resolve this?

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You don’t. It appears you have the latest Rachio firmware. Apple Home can (after years) now show the stations, but it thinks the current version of Rachio is “5” or some nonsense. Rachio doesn’t support the HomeKit interface anymore, but at least they left enough in the firmware to allow Apple to display what you’re seeing. Happy sprinkling!

Thanks for the info. Home app appears to work, it just wants an update.

I appreciate your quick reply.