API limits reached!

Hi, I’m running a Rachio 3 and have Home Assistant, Homebridge and an Indigo server all connected and I’m getting API rate limited messages telling me the limits been reached and services will pause for periods and not update status of the Rachio unit and zones. I’ve turned of all combinations of server access and still run into issues. Other than completely disconnecting all API access (which makes this a less desirable device), is there a way to increase your API limits?

Thank you,

The issue you are seeing is due to polling of the sensor data instead of using webhooks. Home assistant and homebridge, both support webhooks via the latest plugins, though you’ll have to make sure that your instances are accessible from the web. Culprit is likely Indigo plugin, which uses polling, as far as I know.

There is no good way to increase limits, especially because they were introduced to deal with heavy server usage from lazily designed plugins. Limit chosen was enough to cover polling of the status once per minute from one such integration, definitely not three.

What plug-in versions are you using with your smart home integration?

Hi Gene,

I’m using v2.0.2 of the Indigo plugin (latest) and I do see that there is a webhook option, but you have to configure another plugin to use it - so that’s a possible solution if I invest more time. The HA and HB versions are all up to date and most current, although if there is a method for enabling webhooks separately I’d love to know? In Indigo I have the configuration checking status now at 20 minutes and I moved the seconds for timeout to 8 seconds, although it says you probably don’t need to adjust that.

Your advice and expertise is appreciated.

Thank you,