API Bug Fix / Request: Schedule Name always in Summary

Please consider at least one of the following fixes/improvements to the existing API for irrigation controllers:

(1) fix the API-reported events to always specify the name of the schedule in the event summary. Sometimes the summary says the schedule name, but other times it just says “This schedule…” But there’s nothing in the event to indicate which schedule is “this schedule”…

(2) even better yet, enhance the existing events API call to consistently provide any schedule ID associated with the event. It’d be great if there was a dedicated “scheduleID” field that always had the ID of any schedule associated with an event.

As an example, here’s an event returned by the API currently:

    category: SCHEDULE,
    deviceId: XXXXX-6c50-4572-8da5-XXXXX,
    eventDate: 1696950067000,
    hidden: false,
    id: XXXXXX-35b5-9754-XXXXX,
    subType: ZONE_SKIPPED,
    summary: This schedule was manually skipped.,
    type: USER_ACTION

As you can see, there’s no way to tell which schedule this event relates to.