Add watering days to Flex Daily schedule

I created my watering schedules originally on a first generation Iro. Then there was no way to specify watering days for a Flex Daily schedules. I set the schedules to water at night so no one would notice I was watering on days that were not allowed.

I have a Gen 3 controller now and I have noticed that it does support watering day restrictions on Flex Schedules, But I do not see a way to add these restricted watering days to my existing Flex schedule. I would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me.

Schedules / Tap / Edit schedule / Interval

I do not have the “Interval” menu item.

G1’s always allowed you to set what days to water, but once you select “any days” in the initial setup, you are kinda locked into that. If you were to select “specific days” and select all 7 days, you can then later change those interval days. The only way to open that up is to delete the flex daily schedule and re-create it, this time using “specific days”.