Via the web app, there is the ability to download system and individual zone usage. Is there a way via the API to do this so another program can access that data? Glancing through the documentation, it appears most everything is about controlling the system and current status, but I didn’t see anything about reading historical data.
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I support that request as it will allow me to create a small app which will have as configuration parameters:
- My water billing period start date.
- The consumption (CCF or Galons) per hour for each zone. This can be easily found by running 1 zone and checking the meter and do the math.
- The price of water per CCF.
With these above, I will be able to calculate an estimate of my consumption in Galons and $ for my current water billing cycle.
BTW: it would be quite interesting to have that capability in the mobile app and/or the web app… Notification could be sent to the phone if certain threshold is reached.