Ability to disable Wireless Flow Meter radio? Australian usage

@Gene, the initial user that indicated the frequency use problem in Australia indicated that the R3 controller both received and transmitted, but I’m not sure what information this is based on:

@franz indicated in the same thread that the R3 couldn’t be sold for use in Australia due to the conflicting band usage, but didn’t specifically state that it’s only the Wireless Flow Meter that is the part that cannot be used, putting more weight behind the argument that maybe the R3 controller does have a transmitter too. Possibly it’s used to pair the devices together? I’m not sure.

I’d very happily buy the R3 if I knew with certainty that the controller doesn’t transmit.

Thanks for the information regarding the power adapter, I had seen that elsewhere but it’s always good to have the heads up! :slight_smile:

Darren :smiley: