I have a single zone that is saturating my back yard by watering more than an hour each time. You can see from the screen shots that both of these zones are set up the same. However, one of them waters 15-20 min each time, while the other is watering an hour or more each time. I can’t for the life of me understand why this one zone is so different from all the others. This is 1 of 12 zones and all the rest water “normal” amounts each time. Appreciate any help.
Well, it just figures that 10 min after posting this, I finally found the reason why. For some reason , that single zon e was set to water for 1hr 15min, as opposed to all the other zones being set to water like 18 min. No clue how that happened, but problem solved!
I agree that similar zones should be watered about the same. And somewhat over an hour is the correct amount, based on your settings. I’m guessing that the time for the zone in question was changed accidentally. And once a time is changed, it is never then recalculated correctly.
But - it sounds like you think the zone with over an hour of watering is wrong, and the rest of the zones are correct. Based on your settings, that’s not true. I do question the root depth of 9"; my experience is that most grass roots are in the 4-7" range, with 6" being a good value. This is the depth to which water is used, so it may differ from the depth to which some fine root fibers can reach.
What schedule type are you using? I would suggest deleting the current schedule, and creating a new one, being careful to NOT change the TIMES in any schedule; let the program calculate them based on your settings. Once a time is set manually on a Flex Daily schedule, it is never then calculated properly.
I agree with @rraisley. Based on your settings, an hour or so of watering seems more correct than 15 minute run time. So if that is truely overwatering, and not just different from what you normally did with a dumb controller, then you might need to tweak your settings.
Thank you both for your responses. I suspect the correct watering time is somewhere closer to 30 min. I walked through the yard 2 days ago after that 1hr watering and thought I was in a swamp. I’ve never messed with the advanced settings for any zone (root depth, etc.); those are the default values. But, I think you are right - I should start a new schedule and perhaps update some of the default settings. Thanks again!
Feel free to post some of the details of your yard, but soil type, and nozzle PR are two of the most important settings to make sure you dial in. Also, making sure that you choose a solid PWS to monitor temps, rain, etc!