Skip Based On Forecast That Didn't Materialise

We are going through a period of abnormally hot weather.
I got an email that a Rain Skip was applied based on the upcoming forecast.
I am using a PWS within 6.0km and it regisitered no precip.
The forecasted precip (13.0mm) didn’t not happen at all (0mm) so I assumed that Rachio would replace the skip with another cycle.
Can someone explain why this did not happen as it doesn’t make sense to me?

Or should I have put Ants in the title?

It worked for me :wink: What schedule are you running?

Flex Monthly. Built it before the recent changes.

@Luv2SkiPow Ants in the title usually wins :wink:

Flex monthly will not correct itself it a forecasted event does not materialize. One of the current limitations.

If you’d like to try flex daily, it does compensate and shift accordingly.

Thanks and have a great day.


Thanks Ant-ti Franz