New AcuRite Access Device

Has anyone seen the new AcuRite Access? It’s an upgrade over the current AcuRite wireless connection. Just curious if anyone else has checked into it - it just became available to purchase today. A couple nice features are that it will buffer data in the event of power/internet outages. Also it seems that it will be able to send stuff directly to Weather Underground. Here is the link ( and here are the main new features:

  • View your connected AcuRite devices on the intuitive My AcuRite dashboard using your iPhone, Android smartphone, computer, or tablet with the My AcuRite App. Choose either a Light or Dark theme.
  • Create email and phone alerts to notify you when changing conditions need your attention.
  • AcuRite Access connects up to a total of seven (7) compatible AcuRite devices to My AcuRite.
  • Uploads the latest readings from your connected AcuRite devices every 5 minutes.
  • Protect your data even during a power or internet outage, with backup batteries that allow AcuRite Access to continue receiving and storing up to 12 hours of readings; once power or internet is restored, it will upload these readings to My AcuRite.
  • My AcuRite saves 31 days of readings from each of your connected devices, allowing you to identify emerging trends in the locations you are monitoring.
  • With a compatible outdoor AcuRite device, you can share your weather information with Weather Underground using Rapid fire updates.
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I just got the email this morning letting me know the current system was being discontinued and that I would have to purchase AcuRite Access to continue sharing my data. :confused:

Yes, this is outrageous. I’ve gotten the email myself that they will stop supporting the old hub within a few months. Planned obsolesce :frowning: Logitech tried something like that with their hubs for TV remote-control and ended up having to send everyone free hubs due to the outrage. Don’t think AcuRite has enough users to justify the ourage, but I hope they will not stop wunderground uploads (which Smart HUBs are capable of doing directly), even if they will disable AcuRite uploads.

The worst part is that I fully expect them to release firmware update to disable the existing Smart hubs (probably to reduce the load on their servers). Meaning that even converter boxes (such as meteobridge), which is recommended by Rachio (link), could stop working.

I have the new AcuRite Access and I can confirm it still works with Weather Underground. Gene did have to help me get it reporting properly so my Rachio could get the data. Thanks again Gene! :slight_smile:

Great news coozie23, can you or Gene share the steps to get meteobridge to sniff out the weather data and pass it along to PWS?


My solution does not require a meteobridge, instead my site can acquire data from wunderground, AcuRite, and Ambient Weather networks (with more to come) and send it to PWS and/or CWOP without you needing a meteobridge or an always on computer at your home.

If your weather station currently sends data to any of the three networks currently supported (again they are: wunderground, AcuRite and Ambient Weather), feel free to contact me at and I’ll help you get setup.


Yes, It seems I was right to fear that Smart Hubs will discontinue WU uploads ;-(

Link to AcuRite forum with details

AcuRite is claiming that the hub will no longer support full functionality of (fine), but the new hub will not function differently than the old for uploading the data to WU. Ethically they should therefore allow old hubs to support data uploads to the WU…

Rachio doesn’t use WU. I had to purchase a meteobridge to make it work. and NO THE NEW ACCURITE ACCESS DEVICE WILL NOT WORK. I have to return mine that I ordered.
I don’t care if it doesn’t report to accu tight. I need to control my Rachio!

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Hi Carl,

Were you talking about returning meteobridge or Accurite access? If your PWS reports to any of the major providers (from WU down), we can probably make it work.

With Accurite access switching to SSL connection, meteobridge will probably have issues understanding what the access hub would be trying to send, unfortunately, this is something we will be seeing more and more as interenet is transitioning to the encrypted business model.

The real bottom line here is that Rachio needs to integrate WeatherUnderground natively. Having to do all of this via a Rube Goldberg machine (no offense Gene - your stuff works great!) or via services that not everyone has access to due to the hardware they purchased is ridiculous. To take Rachio to the next level you need to make it easier to be fully accepted by the common home user.

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No offense taken :wink: I’m sure WU support will come to Rachio sooner than later, but with an ever increasing number of issues that WU api had lately, there may be demand for wufyi even after Rachio starts supporting this popular, but buggy, data source.


Meanwhile, I sit back running on full automatic (Flex Daily) with my home brew ‘don’t water if it’s less than 45 degrees F’ implementation, clueless on what all this fuss is.

(Not really clueless.)

The answer is I live in a dense metropolitan area (suburb of Dallas) where many have their own weather instruments in their backyard, that are literally within a block or two of me, that run stuff fully compatible with Rachio today. This thread, and some others, have given to me appreciation that Rachio still has work to do for those that don’t live close to ‘acceptable to Rachio’ weather instruments, leaving considerable chance that the weather at any given moment at the Rachio user’s site is different than where the closest weather instruments site it.

Looks like some of you are not very close to ‘set and forget’ operation, having to implement other non-Rachio supplied capabilities in order to get Rachio supplied benefits.

This has been an interesting subject.

Best regards,


I had to purchase the meteobridge because Rachio didn’t use WU.

I returned the New model Accurite Access to continue using what I currently have.

If there is a way to get Rachio to get data from my WU location. Please tell me.

Yes @intherain, there are two ways. Data can either be aquired via WU, or directly from acurite (prefered).
Send me your acurite hub ID and pwsweather station id & password (same info as what you used within meteobridge) to or via a private messages. I’ll help you set everything up.


I have a current problem not related that maybe you can help with.

All sprinklers just pop up for 5 seconds when a schedule is run. Rachio thinks it’s still watering but it isn’t.

This just started happening this year. I need to REALLY water my 11 zones.

About 5 second sprinklers… Do you have any other accessories (such as the rain sensor) connected to the rachio setup?


The more details you can provide, the faster we can get to the root cause of the issue
It is likely that your Rain sensor is connected in the old way (whereas common is running through the sensor) and the contacts within the sensor have gotten oxidized (or just dirty). Take a picture of your setup if you can, but it is likely that you would need to connect commons directly to the Rachio and hook up your rain sensor to the S1 sensor input of the Rachio.



I also have a Toro moisture sensor sensor in line with the wires rain sensor for reference. that’s working ok.

So the only real problem with that rain sensor is that I think that it shorts to ground intermittently.

The app will report it activated then deactivated dozens of times a day. That happens when the sensor is dry. When its wet no problem.

The sensor I replaced last year. Can’t the wires get wet? Would a short to the wet dirt cause the rain sensor to report intermittently?


Dry rain sensors appear similar to a turned on light switch, they short the two wires together. Wet sensors appear as a turned off switch, they disconnect the two wires. Since the disconnected switch (wet sensor) is not a problem, shorting (which would make a wet sensor appear dry) doesn’t appear to be the issue.

I’m curious how you have everything hooked up. Can you please provide detailed description, or (ideally) pictures?
