Just Installed Rachio, Considering My Own Weather Station

How do I determine my latitude and longitude?

Never mind. Google is my friend. Using a NASA tool.

@jangell2 yes there are many methods, you probably already specified them when registering your weather underground station:

And pwsweather has their own tool here (link)

Keep in mind that each weather underground station shows GPS coordinates and elevation within the station details window:

This info is probably too late to help you, NASA tools work just is well, if not better. But others with the same question may benefit in the future.


I’m filling out the WU info into myACURITE iPhone app. I enabled device sharing. There are 3 things I’m unsure of. Accounts I Follow-is that for other stations, not my own? Accounts Following Me-that will get filled in when other accounts follow me? Finally, there’s a button for Follow smartHUB. Am I supposed to activate that?

I discovered I can’t follow my own Hub, so that question is answered.

Per the following quote in the Acurite online help

To share the readings of an outdoor sensor with Weather Underground, from your My AcuRite account simply set up a Weather Underground Sharing Profile. From the profile, you select the smartHUB and outdoor sensor and provide your Weather Underground Station ID and Station Key. You must register the smartHUB Device ID with Weather Underground to obtain a Station ID and Station Key.

Once set up, the sensor readings are automatically sent to Weather Underground by way of Rapid Fire updates.

I found no place in the iPhone App to provide the Key so I don’t know how to add that.

You have stumbled on sharing options. If enabled this allows others, if they know your smartHUB’s device ID, to follow (aka see) your data. Should they choose to do so, you will see their information in “accounts following me” section. Should they give you their Device ID and you follow their smartHUB, their information will show up in “Accounts I Follow” section and your information will show up in their “Accounts following me” section…

After you setup your weather underground station, you can find your weather underground information here (link)

This information can be specified here (link)

First look for an “Add” button next to weather underground:

Than specify information from your station:

Keep in mind the “password” they are asking for is your Station key, not your weather underground account password (confusing, I know).


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I just got off the phone with acurite and while it has varied, the correct thing to enter was the WU password.

Wow, that is news to me, I’ve been using mine with station key this whole time. Maybe they somehow retrieve it? In any case let us know if it works.

My station is reporting to WU. I was trying out the following at wufyi and it says the wuAPI key in invalid. Do I have the format of the line wrong? I also went over to cron-job and am trying to set up a job and it wants an url. An url of what?

Please do not post your wufyi URLs as it will have information which is better left private. @jangell2 please edit your post to remove the URL. More secure method would be to email your question / URL to support@wufyi.com.

Station key / wu password are not the same thing as API key, you need to sign up for API key here (link) and it will look something like this: “ebe382b02739b9ab” a 16 character long random string.

Yes, cron-job will use your custom wufyi.com url.

To get the key from WU I have to have a project website. What is that referring to?

you can specify pwsweather.com, which is where your data will end up or wufyi.com through which the data will flow. Any url “evenafakeone.whocares” will work

Ok, making some progress. I got the ID and the url worked on wufyi. When I created a cronjob I assumed that was the url to enter. It accepted the data and will execute shortly.

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And PWS had the data. :smile: thank you Gene.

Cheers mate :cheers: Sorry the setup was more complicated than it needed to, I know it needs improvement and to do so is on my to do list.


P.S. What did you end up using as your cron-job settings? This is the recommended setup:

You can check, and if needed, edit your cron-job here (link)

I had selected every 15, notify when it will be disabled, and had not selected save responses. I just updated those.

So lets see, I had to setup WU, PWS, wufyi, and cronjob. I had already created my Rachio account and there I changed to use my PWS.

Wouldn’t have managed without you. Thank you so much.

Looks like AcuRite is coming out with a new station:

@jangell2 glad I was able to help. I’ll wait and see what AcuRite comes up with, not sure I will fully trust them to be ready to play with the big boys. They make a nice, affordable station, but if their new designs increase their price points (which from the looks of it, they are going for) I’m not sure they will be able to compete quality wise. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

By the way, don’t worry too much about my comments here (link) regarding 5-in-1 sensor calibration drift. I’m mostly giving AcuRite a hard time because they seem to enjoy doing the same. Overall I’d estimate that 5-in-1 may need to be re-calibrated after about 500 to 1000 inches of rain or just about once per year. Basically if you do a quick calibration, each time you do a Fall cleaning, you should be alright.


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