Flex Daily didn't water when MAD reached

Is there an underlying issue with forecasted precipitation?

The precipitation totals also don’t jive on the 23rd…according to WU history anyway…this is for the same KPHX station.

Interesting. There may be an underlying issue with getting the right data. Even if that’s the case, it perplexes me that the Flex algorithm is letting MAD sit at the depleted level without irrigating. Thanks for taking a look at this @tmcgahey.

I just wonder if the forecasted precipitation that Rachio is capturing (I believe the info is collected 24 hours before) is inaccurate at that particular moment in time…If Rachio collects data and for some reason the forecast is showing 1.5", it would make sense that the algorithm isn’t watering…then as the day progresses, the forecast is adjusted?

I know that some of the schedules used forecasted info. when deciding to irrigate, but I didn’t think that was the case for Flex Daily. I could definitely be wrong. If so I understand what you’re getting at @tmcgahey .

I really have no idea what goes into the algorithms as far as weather goes (forecasted or actual)…It’s all a little like Voodoo magic.

Flex Schedules automatically use Weather Intelligence - one of which is Rain Skip.

Rain Skip checks the weather 1 hour before your watering schedule starts. Anytime the rainfall threshold is met using observed + forecasted rainfall (rainfall in the last 24 + future 24 hours), the watering schedule is skipped.

Just like the weatherman, not all forecasts are accurate. Rain Skip is only as smart as the data it’s provided. The schedule creator defaults the skip threshold to 1/8". If you wish to save the maximum amount of water and want to skip whenever possible, set the threshold to 1/16" (trace rainfall).


I checked the flex audits and your schedule is determining when to water correctly.

The problem is that you have other schedules overlapping that are blocking it from running. Unfortunately our skip feature today is global, and sometimes schedules get caught in that window. Notice below that your Pots schedule is essentially blocking your flex schedules from running. In our next version of software schedules will be skipped on a per-schedule basis. The easiest thing to do is have your Pots Morning schedule start about 10 minutes after your flex schedule, or vice versa. When we skip schedules, the controller goes into rain delay mode for about 5 minutes after the start time of the skipped schedule. Sorry for the confusion!



Well there you go…

@franz, so if to schedules share the same start time, and one is deemed to be skipped (via the algorithms), it will skip any schedules that are set at that same time?

The controller goes into a rain delay mode, effectively blocking other schedules that get caught in its skipping window.

Our next version of software will not put the controller into a rain delay mode, but will skip each individual schedule.



Wow, I had no idea that a skip on a Fixed zone could interact with Flex Daily. I appreciate the time you took to look into it and the details that you provided.

Would you mind commenting on @ssindelman’s post ? I didn’t think that Flex skipped watering based on forecasted data, but rather only used actual data to determine whether or not to run. Thanks @franz !

We use forecasted precipitation (only if it’s greater than "today"s observed precipitation) to derive "today"s moisture level (including ET and irrigation data).


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I’m not sure I’m understanding your comment. When I wake up in the morning and check what was irrigated or not, were the decisions based only on the observed data up until 1 hour before the scheduled times, or was forecasted data also used?

If you had observed precip 1/4 inch and no forecast, we use 1/4 inch. If you had observed precip of 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch forecasted precip, we use 1/2 inch.


So if I keep getting say 0.5" forecasted for 5 days straight, but the I don’t get a drop of rain for any of those 5 days, would Flex not irrigate my lawn ?

That is correct. We weight forecasted precip based on percent of probability, so that happening is unlikely.


Ok, all good stuff to know. Thanks for your time @franz !

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Just a quick confirmation. I moved my ‘Pots Morning’ start time to 10 minutes earlier. Sure enough, my lawn irrigation ran this morning. Thanks again !

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C’mon, was there any doubt? :wink:


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Not by me. I did find it a bit strange when @mckynzee PM’ed me and told me to try it ‘just in case’. :grimacing:

@mckynzee, you have some splaining to do.
