2.0 flex schedules

Hi Rachio,

Installed my Iro earlier this season and it’s been working great. One question about the new 2.0 software coming: will use of flex schedules be required? Or will there be an option to run in a legacy mode (matching how it works now), where you can fix the schedule to certain days/intervals?

I’d like to have the option to continue using Iro the way it works now, in case the flex schedule feature doesn’t work out well for me (for whatever reason). In central Texas, I’m under heavy water restrictions (one day a week, only certain hours), and in that case it’s not clear to me if or how flex schedules will actually be beneficial to me. It’s pretty simple for me right now – water on Thursday or don’t. :slight_smile:


@ramblinwreck Yes, they won’t be very beneficial :wink: based on your restrictions.

You will be able to use fixed or flex schedules. We will not be removing any existing features.

Thanks and have a great day!

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