About once a week, I’ll get an email like the following:
Leech field near arch No significant change in minutes
Leech field near arch No significant change in minutes
Bushes under window No significant change in minutes
Front lawn near windows No significant change in minutes
Front Lawn near driveway No significant change in minutes
Front Lawn near wall No significant change in minutes
Leech field center upper No significant change in minutes
Leech field lower No significant change in minutes
Leech field center near fence No significant change in minutes
Leech field center No significant change in minutes
Total adjustment was 0 minutes.
Notice the bottom line: “Total adjustment was 0 minutes.”
If no adjustment was actually made, the system should not send this email. In essence it’s saying, “I’ve done nothing, and I wanted you to know.”
Perhaps this can be adjusted in an upcoming release?
@robotman, thanks for reaching out. Our notifications use to be designed as such, however, there would be confusion if some zones were adjusted and others weren’t. As such, we now list all zones in an effort to reduce any confusion.
I’ll share your feedback with the product team to see if they have any ideas on ways to improve the experience of water budgeting adjustments.
Just curious, have you given flex schedules a try yet? They might be a better solution for your lawn.
Thanks Emil. If my case no zones were adjusted. If nothing changes in any zone I’d rather not see the email - makes no sense to send it. Re: Flex schedules, thanks, but in CA we need very tight control over watering right now due to restrictions. I need to know exactly when and for how long my sprinklers are running.
“do you believe that the Iro has made adhering to your watering restrictions easier?” - Yes, I believe so…
I would like some simple features to adjust the entire schedule quickly however. For example, a slider that let’s me adjust a watering schedule +/- a percentage. Let’s say for example that a week has been particularly hot - I’d like to add 5% to my schedule. Or let’s say there was some unexpected rain (there was this week due to the hurricane off the west coast), I’d like to reduce my schedule 10%.
In fixed schedules we have a seasonal adjustment slider (ignore the big red 4). In flex schedules we manage that internally, not modifying run times, but watering frequency.
Ideally this setting would be “higher up” in the app. It’s a bit buried under the schedule for a specific zone. It seems that changing it where it is would change it for that zone, but it doesn’t - it changes the setting for all zones. (i.e. it’s a global setting buried under a zone setting [from what I can tell]).
Exactly. For example, this week it’s going to be 105, I might want to tweak my watering for all zones by a couple of extra minutes due to the extreme heat. Regardless, I would envision this as a top level / global adjustment for the entire Iro / all zones.