Too Dry Across the Board

I concur with @ssindelman and @Kubisuro. I would proceed in this order:

  1. Double check your soil
  2. Double check your root depth.
  3. Drop your precipitation rate until you get the amount of water you expect, or use the drip calculator that @Kubisuro pointed you to.
  4. Change the crop coefficient to change the frequency

#1 and #2 will give you a baseline of the amount of water delivered, and a baseline frequency. Getting that baseline as close as possible to reality is important to keep things within reason. #3 will allow you to tweak the amount of water delivered if #1 & #2 don’t seem to be giving you what you expect. The baseline drip settings can often be a fair amount off. Once you have your duration about where you want it, #4 will allow you to modify frequency. I believe that you can go over 100% for crop coefficient.

You may ultimately still have the problem I had. In my case the temps got so hot (> 110F or so) that I needed to water later in the day, and Flex Daily only fires once per day. If you’d like to learn more specifics on my case check out the thread below. You shouldn’t have the same problem with your lawn, but we’ll see.