Suggestions for install instructions

If I missed this in the instructions, just ignore me :). Two things would have been helpful in the install instructions. A brief description about separating the front housing from the mounting plate. It’s not immediately obvious that it simply pulls apart. Second labeling the zone numbers on the hook ups. For those of us with existing systems that are use to zone one being in a certain spot, it would be nice to show that zone one in the hook up is away from center getting high going to center. I guessed the other way and when I tried to fire up zone one nothing happened.


Hi @Vesteroid

Good evening. Thanks for reaching out. You bring up great points. I’m sorry to hear your front panel get stuck to the wallmount. This doesn’t happen very often, but it’s not the easiest to pull apart. We do a support article on the subject, but you probably didn’t think to check the support site when it happened. As for the zone labels, we’ve started to pad print the zone numbers on newer wall mounts…I think you may have had one of the earlier wallmounts (you should consider it a limited edition ;))

Were you able to get all of your zones up and running? Let us know if we can help at all. Thanks again for the great feedback, we appreciate it.

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Haha, “Have You Attached Your Wallplate to Your Iro Prior to Mounting it?” – yes, that would be me. I wish I had seen that support article when I installed my Iro last week.

@ramblinwreck Every Iro now comes with the jaws of life. Just kidding, I know our manufacturer has worked on making the two pieces work better together.

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