Southern Arizona - Help Setting Up Rachio Efficiently

First, go back to the scheduling that worked and get your plants some water! Then take a look at this post and the drip irrigation spreadsheet it links too. The member that designed this drip spreadsheet is @azdavidr

I think there may be another more depth post on setting up drip but I can’t find it at the moment. Anyway, I’ve got a small orchard including citrus in California — not severe as Arizona’s heat, granted, but got it working very nicely. There are many resources it seems (one is linked in the spreadsheet) on how to water trees in Arizona. I’ve also come across a crop evapotranspiration chart for citrus in Arizona so you may consider googling for that. Suffice it to say, crop evapotranspiration in AZ is quite high in the summer months.

Get one zone on Flex, perhaps the zone with the least risk involved taking time to tweak advanced settings, and get it dialed in. Then use that experience to more quickly and effective set up another zone.

FWIW, my trees water about every 5 days for 4-5 hours. My mature dwarf apricot has 4 1-gallon emitters. A nice deep watering that I never supplied before Rachio. My trees have never looked healthier.