Somehow 1 hour per zone of irrigation - doesn't make sense

thank you for the information @tmcgahey. looks like there is no way of avoiding that cup test. at the very least getting out there and recording the information for the nozzles.

I know my gardener has replaced a few of the nozzles in the last two years I’ve been here to change angles and or lower/higher the water distance.

what you are saying about rachio will achieve the benefits of the HE-VAN makes sense. I guess I do need to record all the info and do some cup tests prior to that too. so I will need to read on how to best perform that cup test ( I believe I saw a tutorial here) and make the needed adjustments for sprinklers. the science of watering, who knew :slight_smile:


The cup test is the best way to fine tune the system since you can get a true indication of how much water you are putting down across multiple spots in the yard. There is way more that goes into precipitation rate than just the nozzle output. Spacing, positioning, overlap, slopes, all play into it.

That being said, just knowing the nozzle will get you closer than where you are now…

And yes, I have totally geeked out when it comes to my yard since I got my Rachios. I’ve said it before, but if you really want to use Rachio to the full potential that the Rachio’s engineers have graced us with, you NEED to make sure your system is in the best possible working order. That may mean replacing sprinkler nozzles, drip emitters, and fixing leaks in the system. Rachio is only as good as the information you feed it!