Since v3 I cannot stop a schedule that is in progress/running

Hello there,

I just noticed today, now that we have version 3 in place, i am not able to stop/cancel an automatic(daily) schedule that is in progress. If I hit the square STOP icon [ ] it will stop for 1 second and then start back up again only to keep resuming with that schedule until it will finish it.
I am otherwise able to start and stop any manual zone runs or manual schedule runs with no problems.
I have tried from both my IOS device and from the portal with the same result and I have already rebooted the controller and the well pump breakers.
This used to work flawlessly before last week before the new versions software was released.
Please advise if I am doing something wrong or it is a known issue.



I will have the engineering team and let you know what is found.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.



This issue should be fixed. It was due to an issue with our gen 1 firmware.


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Thank you Franz. It appears to work properly again!

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