Rest api for flow meter battery status or even better IFTTT integration for flow meter

I have several smart home integrations to Rachio Vera, home assistant, none of them tell me the battery status of the flow meter. Just checked the app today it says Disconnected (meaning battery is dead) 2nd time that I’ve missed how long the battery has been dead. I don’t have an alert system that tells me i need to replace it. So I’m trying to create one myself using CURL with an API KEY on the accessories url

I just tried curl to the rachio url curl -X GET -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “Authorization: Bearer MYAPI_KEY”

all i get is an image, I cant script image in Home assistant as Status disconnected/connected

Maybe I need a different URL to use with CURL, then I can scrape string disconnected/connected
and run it once a day and text myself to replace battery.

there is no IFTTT for flowmeter battery status (this would be ideal).


since this post got no traction, I looked for a solution again.
Only notification I can use to go in my Home Asistant automation system is via Rachio Email.
only problem i get a lot of email, I can easily miss some. I have to send this info somewhere where I have a dashboard I can look at everyday for status. Rachio Home assistant integration does not have Flow meter info, so I have to do something manual.

The email from rachio as long as subject doesn’t change much, I can use it. with the following rules.

when Flow meter looses connection they send
subject: “The Flow Meter lost connection to your Rachio controller.” without double quotes

when Flow meter reconnects they send
subject: “Your Flow Meter is reconnected.”

IFTTT no longer has privileges to your gmail account to create rules from Email, with Subject String.
but in GMAIL Settings you can setup a forwarding rule in “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab
click on “Add a forwarding address”
i have ATT for mobile service. so my forward address for mail to text is

in Tip: below “Add a forwarding address”
I clicked a link “creating a filter” I created 2 filters to forward my mobile email address
my rules/filters are from: subject: The …
Forward checkbox checked with address
1 filter for lost connection, 1 filter for reconnected.

in IFTTT i created 2 applets

for reconnecting
if New Android SMS received matches search
Keyword or simple phrase -> Your FLow Meter is reconnected
Make a web request HA URL-> https://yourdomainname/api/webhook/YOUR_API_KEY, method post, Content Type application/json
{ “action”: “call_service”, “service”: “script.turn_on”, “entity_id”: “script.set_flow_meter_connected” }

for disconnecting
if New Android SMS received matches search
Keyword or simple phrase -> The Flow Meter lost connection to your Rachio controller.
Make a web request HA URL-> https://yourdomainname/api/webhook/YOUR_API_KEY, method post, Content Type application/json
{ “action”: “call_service”, “service”: “script.turn_on”, “entity_id”: “script.set_flow_meter_disconnected” }

In Home assistant I have input_boolean for flowmeter that is set to true for connected set to false for disconnected by the 2 script i’ve created. there is also additional iftt setup in home assistant in automation.yaml for Home assistant to listen to the webhook URL call.

Maybe this will be useful to someone else.